How Athletes Can Achieve Peak Performance with Chiropractic Care
November 26th, 2019It used to be viewed with some skepticism, but professional athletes’ enthusiasm for chiropractic care has helped the general public understand its benefits. Pros as diverse as Joe Montana, Tom Brady and Lance Armstrong have all discussed how this former “alternative” treatment helped them recover from injury and even improve their mental focus. Whether you’re

Chiropractic Care for Headaches
November 12th, 2019Having a headache can be debilitating. It can strike at any time and render a person unable to think, move or communicate. Headaches are the most common ailment reported to doctors, with nine out of 10 people suffering from them at any given point. Often, the response to headaches is to pop a pill, lie

Everything You Need to Know About Your Sprains and Strains
October 20th, 2019We’ve all been there – walking down the street, not paying attention when suddenly your ankle slips off the curb. There’s immediate pain, but it’s difficult to determine if it’s an injury that will go away on its own with a little RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment, or if a visit to the doctor

Treating Sciatica with Chiropractic Care
October 10th, 2019Tiger Woods swears by it. So do Barry Bonds and Joe Montana. But does chiropractic care really help sciatica, or is it “all in their heads”? As it turns out, there are medically sound reasons why the kind of treatments chiropractors offer may provide substantial relief from the back and leg pain or numbness that

7 Secrets Toward Motivating Yourself to be Active
September 20th, 2019For many of us, staying in shape can turn into an “all-or-nothing” attitude. Maybe we had a long day at work, or maybe we have to drive our kids to their extracurricular activities, or maybe it’s dark and cold and we simply don’t want to put in the effort. These are common excuses, and we

How to Treat Arthritis Pain Without Medication
September 10th, 2019What is arthritis? Arthritis can sometimes serve as a bit of an umbrella term. It is used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and joint disease experienced by millions of people. It is true that arthritis seems to favor the elderly, as it becomes more apparent in people as they age; however,

Ached by Lower Back Pain? Stand up Straighter with physiotherapy, chiropractic, & massage therapy
August 20th, 2019Lower back pain is a sensation all too familiar to millions of people. This ache can hinder many aspects of your life: working, spending time with friends and family, partaking in the activities you enjoy, and even just relaxing. The World Health Organization estimates that in the United States, 149 million days of work are

Eating Right: A Simple Technique for Reducing Pain and Inflammation
August 10th, 2019Do you deal with chronic pain or inflammation in your daily life? It isn’t uncommon, but it is avoidable. While exercise is a crucial part of your health care regimen, proper nutrition can also play an important role. The foods you eat work to fuel your body and eating the right ones can help you