If the old adage is true, that you are what you eat, what are you right now? What if you knew that the things you put in your mouth are causing the aches and pains you are experiencing? Fortunately, changing your diet is one of the fastest ways to find relief . Call Ottawa Health
What is arthritis? Arthritis can sometimes serve as a bit of an umbrella term. It is used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and joint disease experienced by millions of people. It is true that arthritis seems to favor the elderly, as it becomes more apparent in people as they age; however,
During this season of warmth and togetherness, we want to express our deepest gratitude for allowing us to be a part of your health journey. As the year draws to a close, may this Holiday Season bring you moments of joy, and may the New Year unfold with health, love, hope, and moments of peace. Here is to continuing to share in the journey of well-being in the coming year.