Get Moving Again with These Helpful Tips! Did you know that 80 percent of the U.S. population falls short of the Physical Activity Guidelines recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services? Millions of Americans are risking serious health consequences simply because they do too much sitting and not enough moving around. You may
There comes a time when you wake up and no longer bounce out of bed. Whether you are dealing with an old injury, a new issue, chronic aches, and pains, or joint stiffness, the simple act of getting out of bed in the morning can leave you wishing you could fall back into the pillows
Do you ever wake up feeling stiff and achy, as if your body is being weighed down by a pile of bricks? Everyone wakes up feeling like this from time to time – you might have had a tough workout the day before, you might have spent an excessive amount of time on your feet
As a valued patient, your health, safety and the wellbeing of our community, are the most important things that motivate our work every day. We appreciate the trust and confidence you place in us, and we recognize our critical role in supporting you, our patients, especially in the face of the challenging events we are
Isaac Newton had it right when he discovered the Law of Inertia. In short, a body at rest remains at rest and a body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an external force. The same law of physics applies to our bodies as we age. If we already have a habit of
Core strength training is a powerful and effective part of physiotherapy. Your core is comprised of a set of muscles that anchor your center of gravity. This allows you to maintain your constant balance, whether you are moving or standing still. By strengthening your core with physiotherapy treatments, you can improve your balance and correct
During this season of warmth and togetherness, we want to express our deepest gratitude for allowing us to be a part of your health journey. As the year draws to a close, may this Holiday Season bring you moments of joy, and may the New Year unfold with health, love, hope, and moments of peace. Here is to continuing to share in the journey of well-being in the coming year.