Become Steady on Your Feet with the Help of Physiotherapy! Did you know that strengthening your core muscles is related to the development of better balance? It’s true! When your core muscles are good, they have a better chance of stopping you from suffering chronic lower back pain and other injuries. They can even stop
Ready to Move with Ease Once Again? If you’re having ankle pain that isn’t going away, there’s a significant chance that you’ve suffered from a strain or a sprain! People sometimes use these two terms interchangeably, but there is actually a big distinction between them. A strain is the tear or overstretching of a muscle
Did You Know Stretching Both Before and After Workouts Could Help Decrease the Risk of Injury? Do you make time to go to the gym a few times per week? If so, you should commend yourself for your efforts. But at our physiotherapy clinic, we notice an interesting trend with a lot of our active
Did You Know Physiotherapy Could Help with the Pains of Stress-Related Headaches? Can you feel it? Starting with tension in your neck or shoulders and creeping upward through the base of your skull? You may have even tried stretching and optimizing your work station, but if you are suffering from stress-related headaches, you know that
Surgery Coming Up? Physiotherapy Can Help You Get Back to Your Life Faster! Facing surgery can be a little scary. Not only are you unsure how the operation itself will go, you may not be clear about what to expect once the anesthesia has worn off. Fortunately, our physiotherapist can walk you through the precise
Did You Know Physiotherapy Could Help Provide Chronic Back Pain Relief? Do you periodically find yourself disabled by bouts of back pain? Do you experience ongoing back pain that never gives you a moment’s relief? Whatever form it may take, chronic back pain can put all kinds of limits on your life — until you
Find the Relief You Need with the Help of a Physiotherapist! Are your hips and knees in pain when you wake up? Are you in pain when you go to bed? Are the activities you do between sunrise and sunset impacted by chronic hip and knee joint dysfunction? You don’t have to give up hope
Millions of people spend several hours each day sitting at a desk. People who spend much of their day in a sitting position are at a higher risk of developing serious conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Many of these individuals may also be at risk of suffering from repetitive use injuries. It’s