Arthritis Doesn’t Disappear — But Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, or Massage Therapy Is Still Good for What Ails You If you’ve already been diagnosed with a common form of arthritis such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, you may have learned that these chronic joint pain conditions can’t be cured or reversed. If that’s the case, then why
Save the Date! OTTAWA HEALTH GROUP RE-OPENING MONDAY JUNE 8, 2020 We are back !!!!We missed you.We have taken this seriously and adjusted.We have made changes. We have made policies.We are safe. Now is the time to get you back to feeling your best. Book your appointment now! COVID-19 Protocol Our clinics have been open for
The Logical Choice for Long-Term Pain Relief Chronic pain presents some very real challenges for sufferers. If you have a chronic condition that produces constant or recurring pain, you may already know that you need a long-term solution as opposed to a quick fix. Unfortunately, some of the medical solutions offered by medical science can
Are your hips and knees feeling stiff, achy, or even painful? Noticing more discomfort in your joints when standing up and moving around? If so, you’re not alone. This quarantine has taken a toll on many people’s bodies, as it has become much more difficult to maintain the same levels of physical activity at home.
Are you feeling back pain after being quarantined to your home? You may be wondering, “Why is this? I’ve barely left the couch!” Well, therein lies the issue. The sedentary lifestyle that I’m sure many people have experienced since being quarantined to their homes can actually lead to more aches, pains, and discomfort than one
Dear Valued Patients, We hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy during these uncertain times. We know some of you are still working in essential roles, ( THANK YOU ) and some of you are doing your part by staying at home helping to stop the spread of COVID-19. On Tuesday, April
If you’re dealing with the misery of chronic pain, you may feel like taking opioid medication is the only way to feel like a functional person. But, there’s actually a better way: physiotherapy, chiropractic, and massage therapy can relieve your pain and help you recover without relying on opioid medications. The Problems of Opioid Medications
Just because you’re in the confines of your home during this time, it doesn’t mean you can’t still achieve a full-body workout. Yes, it is true that gyms, workout classes, intramural leagues, and the like are closed/postponed for the time being – but it is still important to remain active and get your whole body